Osteopathy and massage therapy

You are unique and you deserve to be treated that way

Find the injury, correct it and let nature do its job

– A.T. Still. Father of Classical Osteopathy –



Sergio Sanchez, Osteopath and Massage Therapist. Sitges. Barcelona. Spain...

Osteopathy is an approach to health that follows the principles of the 19th century Dr. Andrew Taylor Still and which, based on a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the human body, is characterized by an overall view of the patient and aims to restore the health that is present in all of us.


Sergio Sanchez, Osteopath and Massage Therapist. Sitges. Barcelona. Spain...

In the first visit, which can last between 45 minutes and 1 hour, I will complete your intake sheet, asking a series of questions to understand the reason for the consultation, medical, surgical and traumatic history, life habits, etc.
From there on, I will perform an examination by looking at your posture, assessing joint movement…


Cranial Osteopathy...

Although I will make reference to specific areas that can be addressed by osteopathy, it is important to understand that some biological systems depend on and effect the others, through mechanical relationships of the nervous system, circulation, etc. That is why I will employ a global approach, seeking improvement of your overall wellbeing.


Some Of Benefits Of Massage

Sergio Sanchez, Osteopath and Massage Therapist. Sitges. Barcelona. Spain...
  • Massage relieves both physical and emotional stress, controls anxiety and depression by reducing stress hormone levels
  • Relieves muscle contractions and relaxes muscles, increasing blood circulation while reducing heart rate and lowering blood pressure
  • Helps relieve pain and regulate and decrease physical stress
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces headaches
  • Provides happiness and wellbeing
Sergio Sanchez, Osteopath and Massage Therapist. Sitges. Barcelona. Spain...

The Massages

40 minutes

60 minutes

90 minutes

60/90 minutes


Welcome to my osteopathy blog

A space to express and share with readers how I live osteopathy.
I think it is part of our job as osteopaths to bring osteopathy closer to people and vice versa, providing valuable information about what it is and what it is not.
And with that freedom that being well informed gives each one, having a better ability to decide what is best for himself.

Principles on which osteopathy is based

Principles on which osteopathy is based

In this article I am going to talk about the principles that underpin the work in osteopathy and about which we must reason and take into account when carrying out a treatment. 1. Structure governs function. We could consider all the matter that inhabits us as a...

Frequently asked questions about osteopathy

Frequently asked questions about osteopathy

The purpose of this article is to solve questions that usually occur in the consultation. How long does a session last? A session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, sometimes requiring a little more time for the first visit. How many sessions will I need? The number of...

The importance of terrain in osteopathy

The importance of terrain in osteopathy

I discovered the terrain theory on my first day of class at osteopathy school, through the photo of the two fish tanks. It seemed very simple to me, but it made me reflect on the responsibility we have in our health, since very often we think that the solution is...

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Sunday closed


C/ Pau Benazet 6, 1° 2ª


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